Photo by Ana-Maria Berbec on Unsplash
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV)
Have you ever noticed how during times when we find ourselves frightened and unsure we turn to what matters most; however, when things feel safe and secure again we drift back into our own worlds?
Why do we often turn to those we love most only in times of crisis? Why do we seem to forget or neglect those closest to us when times are good?
The COVID-19 pandemic presents us with one of those moments. Since the virus exploded on the world stage, we have seen an outpouring of admiration, respect, and love for unlikely heroes: healthcare workers, teachers, and employees of essential businesses. Once the crisis subsides, will we still honor them? Or will we quickly jump into our routines and forget?
We tend to forget real heroes as time passes after a crisis. 9-11 is an example of how we honored those who protected us: firemen, first responders, policemen and women. They were the focus during those tragic months following the attacks, and then…did we forget them?
Consider how attitudes change after times of war. During WWII, the brave young men who risked and gave their lives in defense of freedom around the world. They returned to cheers and accolades. Today, many folks barely remember their struggle.
How many of us pour ourselves into prayer and communion with God when we face hard times, but somehow are too busy when times are good? Paul reminds us to “rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ESV). God expects us to turn to Him in times of plenty as well as times of hardship.
There are so many lessons to be learned and values to cherish during this unprecedented time. A time to be still and know. A time to reconnect with God.
A time to show compassion and possibly forgive someone in your life.
A time to reconnect to the things that are most important, like having a regular family dinner, or engaging in real conversations with those you love, and showing gratitude for others who are serving the community.
In fact, the very things we can give for comfort through this crisis don’t really cost us a thing – a friendly text, checking on a neighbor, real face time with a family member, or a kind word to a grocery store worker.
As Christians, what is truly important is that we consistently lead by faith and example to show everyone we can all have courage, be kind, and even have joy during difficult times of struggle and crisis.
The real question is, will we forget when we are in fear again, or will we remember who we are and whose we are?
Let’s never forget to love.
Let’s never forget to honor.
Let’s never forget to be kind.
Let’s never forget to pray ceaselessly for God’s protection.