Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash
“Why are you discouraged, my soul? Why are you so restless? Put your hope in God,
because I will still praise him. He is my savior and my God.”
Psalm 42:5 (GW)
We live in uncertain and troubled times: People losing their jobs, health issues, financial loss, or caring for elderly parents. The list goes on. What seems to be on everyone’s minds these days is the absolute uncertainty of what the future holds.
What we do know as believers is this: true hope is the key to surviving any challenge or crisis. There is nothing more certain than the hope of God and His promises.
But what exactly is true hope?
Is it a kind of made-for-social-media worldly optimism surface-level hope that expects or desires good outcomes but with no real certainty of getting our wish?
Is it a surface-level, made-for-social-media kind of hope that expects or desires good outcomes but with no real certainty of getting our wish?
Or is it the kind of hope grounded in scripture that defines “a strong and confident expectation,” the certainty that what God has promised through His word is true?
Some people often think the word “hope” is an emotion or a feeling. However, biblical hope is infinitely more than that. It is a discipline we should exercise on a regular basis because it’s grounded in the word of God.
True hope exists in an entirely different dimension. It gives us comfort and power to live bravely to be all the Christ meant us to be. And when we live in that kind of hope, our faith comes alive bringing blessings beyond our imagination – joy, peace, protection, guidance, and boldness.
Our God is called “the God of Hope.” He is the source of all our prayers and the provider of all our needs. Even in the most uncertain of times, when we turn to Him, He alone has the power to make true hope come alive.