Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash
We thought we’d make things interesting today with a post on a few simple home office DIY projects. Working from home can be a big change. Maybe you spent months setting up your space at work, maybe your missing the personal touch you had brought to the office, or now you are having to share space with a spouse or an online-schooling kiddo. Make sure your work corner of the world still reflects you and your creativity. Here are some simple ideas to personalize and brighten your work landscape.
Washi Tape Keyboard
Bring that boring keyboard to life, personalizing it with different colored Washi Tape cut to fit your keys. Make sure not to cover the keys that you don’t have memorized.
Colorful DIY Dry Erase
Keep up with daily to-do’s, share an inspirational quote, or write-up important reminders while brightening up your desk. Grab that empty photo frame you keep forgetting to fill, or order an inexpensive frame. Then simply cut to fit your favorite color or patterned paper and place it in the frame. Grab your dry-erase pen and memo-up!
Create Your Own Zen Garden
Being on back to back conference calls can be mentally exhausting. Take a quick break and get lost in your desk zen garden. Find a small vase, or even a baking dish and fill it with colorful sand, or borrow some sand from your backyard sandbox. Add a rock or an artificial succulent. Breathe deep and settle your mind as you trace patterns through the sand. It doubles for a pen/pencil holder too!
Wood Block Desk Organizer
Most of us have that piece of scrap wood in the garage, something left over from that last home project. We might have just enough paint or wood stain leftover too. Using a variety of drill bit sizes simply take your block and create shallow spaces for paperclips or push pins, and/or deeper pockets for pencils and pens.
Dress Up at Tin Can
That Veg-all has finally been put to use as your scrounged up dinner during Corona-Virus. When you would normally toss that empty can into the recycling bin you now have a chance to flex your creative muscles and decorate to use as a desk organizer. Do a thorough cleaning and make sure you have sanded down any sharp edges then decorate away! Grab your hot glue gun, twine, or chalkboard labels and go to town. There are no limits to how to cover your tin can, or maybe give the kids creative freedom to make mom or dad’s new pen holder.
Cereal Box Organizer
Need a better at home filing system? Looking for a better way to store and organize magazines? Are you also eating way more cereal than you were before? Let’s take advantage of those cereal boxes while adding color and flare to your temporary office space. Cut your empty cereal box to fit your papers, index cards, photos, or whatever you are looking to store. Then grab some Washi tape or colorful duct tape to cover the surface of your beautiful new file holder. The tape reinforces the boxes, so you’re adding strength as you express your style!
You were created by a God that loves diversity, color and creativity. Not only were you created, but you were uniquely knit together as a certain expression of God’s love in the world. Don’t let shelter-in-place keep you cooped up creatively too, take some time to enhance your at home work space. You may end up with new items to show off when you are back in the office. And don’t forget to share with ABBA your personal touch to your at home work space, let’s inspire one another.