“Even though we are apart, we are still very much together.”
Jamie LaGarde, CEO of Sedera, shares how he is managing his 75 employees and serving their over 26,000 members. A community based solution for providing health care, Jamie’s organization is in many ways a front line supporter during the COVID-19 Pandemic, bringing clarity and peace as people worry about coverage for themselves and their family.
For many shutting down the physical office and shifting to work-from-home did not present too radical of a change, however, for many of Sedera’s membership, changes have been drastic. With people losing their jobs, there is a widening gap within their healthcare coverage, but Jamie shares how his company is seeking to share the burden.
His daily team huddles amid social distancing keeps his team connecting and moving forward. “The tempo and tools for our communication has had to evolve,” shares Jamie, “We are making sure to talk more frequently with our members.”
For many Austin leaders this is a time where God illuminates how we have been uniquely designed to lead during a time like this. “I feel like every role I had before Sedera, prepared me for the role I have today.” Join us to hear how provision, peace and purpose connect through our conversation with Jamie.